
Various information on our Fund Raising Program, Big Bottles, Shipping, Elie Line, and  Custom Orders

Let us help you!  We have developed a Fund Raising Program for non-profit groups residing within Ohio featuring our Dip Mixes. Contact us if you or your group is interested.  <Contact Us>

We package some of our popular Seasoning Blends in an Economical 16 oz Plastic Container for those who make large batches or are heavy users  These containers are priced at $15.00, so it is like buying three of our normal Seasoning Blends in our glass jars and getting a fourth for free.

Available in the following Blends, More to come:


Since we operate under the Ohio Cottage Food Laws we can ship within the State of Ohio.  We also meet and drop off to customers within 30 miles of our House in Bellaire Ohio.

Elite Line

Many of our customers have asked us for Spices or Seasoning Blends they cannot find or what they do find is of inferior quality.  Since many of these items are more expensive and we cannot price them at $5 a jar we developed or Elite Line.  The products in this line change frequently as they all start as special orders..

Custom Orders

While we normally package our Jams, Jellies, and Seasoning Blends in 4 oz by volume Jars we can package in larger containers upon request.

What we bring to your Event

With Three distinct product lines we can bring everything or customize our products to fit into available space, requirements, or themes.   We want to bring your organization and your/our customers a robust enjoyable shopping experience.  FUN is contagious and we have FUN!!

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